What is KleanAir?

KleanAir is a natural deodoriser can be executed in two methods:

    #   Non-Poisonous
    #   Non-Toxic
    #   Non-Irritating
    #   Non-Hazardous
    #   Biodegradable
    #   Environment friendly
    #   Water based liquid that neutralizes all kinds of odors.

Why is KleanAir used?

Odors emitted from various infrastructure and industrial sectors contain not only unpleasant but also harmful odors such as:

Implementation of KleanAir Products

Can be Executed in Two Methods

Gaseous Diffusion

Gaseous diffusion is the process of dispersing any liquid (concentrate of dilute) in as large as area as possible. This can be achieved by:

    #   Spraying
    #   Atomizing

Liquid Contact

    #   Dropping
    #   Dozing

Gaseous Diffusion: Spraying

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